Sunday, January 29, 2012

As i walk in the room the first thing i notice is a soft blue floor, the room is almost empty. I see is a soft rectangular object, that is taking up the majority of the room. As i inspect it i see it has layers that seem soft and warm. On either side of the object are two wooden objects that have handles that slid out, for storage I'm guessing. Looking around the room i see a box hanging from the wall with several buttons on it i push one, it lights up instantly and moving pictures pop up. Next to the box i see colorful pictures made from paper. they seem to have no purpose other then brightening up the plain wight walls. As i leave the room i notice a small room with fabric hanging from a horizontal wooden pole, it looks like like this fabric is warn for warmth and protection from other elements. There doesn't seem to be much else in this mysterious room, so i leave to find a more exciting adventure.